Lesley Paterson Interview on TRS Radio

Artwork by Always Curious.

In this episode, Ben interviews the queen of off-road triathlon, Lesley Paterson, a 2x Xterra World Champion. They discussed her Olympic mountain biking dream, her acting and movie producing career, racing with a broken wrist and hand, her affinity for the f-word and much, much more.

Follow Lesley on twitter. Visit her website.

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This episode was also sponsored by TriRig.com. Save up to $100 and get your bike super aero. TriRig = aero braking perfected.

Save 15% at Swank Baby Boutique by entering TRSRACING at checkout.

See some of Lesley’s fine acting below:

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About the Author

BH is Publisher of TRS Triathlon and host of TRS Radio.