TRS Triathlon is a start-up website that loses money every month. We might eventually attract some brave sponsors, but it’s possible that we never will. Let’s face it, this brand of radical honesty scares a lot of companies. Many of you support our podcast through the Patreon initiative. However, not everyone listens to the podcast or wants to incur a recurring charge. Here are a few other ways to support the website and our mission to keep triathlon honest:
Support TRS Triathlon by Shopping on Amazon
To support this website, use this link when you shop on Amazon and we get a few pennies per dollar. In fact, make it your bookmark! Canadians, try this one.
Go to college, grab a new phone for Tinder, get married, have a baby. Amazon has something for all of that. We’ll get a little bump, even if you never pay a dime.
Support TRS Triathlon by shopping on Wiggle
Support TRS Triathlon when you buy Under Armour
Seen that new Phelps video yet? If you find yourself itching for the Armour, click this link before you shop.
Make a Donation via PayPal
photo credit: thank you note for every language via photopin (license)