In a crowded marketplace, brands need creative partners in order to stand out. I’d like to discuss an opportunity to creatively elevate your profile in the triathlon submarket through humor and social media savvy. In recent months, a wave of hilarity has washed over triathlon. That cool, salty wave is me, my friends – me and my boy Dark Mark. If you have been paying attention, you’ve read about The Real Starky in Triathlete Magazine, Triathlete Europe, Slowtwitch and you’ve seen celebrities all across the world wearing my tees and hats. If you haven’t been paying attention, please visit and school yourself.
My client, Dark Mark , is a rising comedic star. He was recently named the #1 tweeter in Triathlon by Lucky for you, his image is based around 3 things: a sweet mustache, a sleeveless denim jacket, and a Reynolds rear disc. We have a real opportunity to create some hilarious marketing written by my client and me that would sell the living shit out of some Reynolds wheels. A metric fuck-ton of wheels!
The overture is being made on social media, but thus far you have ignored it.
How funny would it be to literally make a sponsorship deal via social media? Pooling our PR resources, we could surely get a stunt like that covered by the triathon press. Look what I did with this stunt:
Bottom line is this: the fact that he happened to have a Reynolds wheel in his iconic profile pic is a gift from the marketing gods. To waste this opportunity would be a shame. He won’t be cheap, but he will be worth it. Please give me a contact and number to call so that we can discuss further.
Best Regards,