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What is a “Podium Picks” contest?
Normal long course games are 5 men and 5 women selections, podium picks is only 3 men and 3 women selections.
What is the prize distribution?
1st gets 50%, 2nd gets 25%, 3rd gets 15%. Prize distribution is determined by final number of entries.
Where do I find active contests?
The lobby shows all the active contests, free and paid, that anybody can currently enter. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/lobby/
When are results posted?
Live results are only done if time is available by an admin. Final results will be posted no later than Tuesday following the race weekend.
I want to face one of my friends, how can I go about doing that?
Post any contests you want added to the forum. An admin will follow up after your request has been made. You can also request a new league type. http://trstriathlon.com/TRSForum/discussion/477/request-a-contest-here. Soon you will be able to create your own head-to-head contests!
What is the minimum amount that can be withdrawn and deposited?
The minimum amount that can be deposited at one time is $10. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $20. There is also a maximum of 1 withdrawal a week and 4 within a given month.
Where do I find contests that are live?
Contest that are live include any events that have started and are currently running, and any events that have ended but have not been officially scored. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/my-live-entries/
I want to edit my roster for an upcoming event, where can I do this?
The “My Upcoming Entries” page shows all the contests you have entered but which have not yet begun. Those rosters can still be edited. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/my-upcoming-entries/
Where can I find an update on my funds?
On the “My Funds” page you can add money, withdraw money, and see the status of any pending payments. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $20, with a maximum of 4 withdrawals per month. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/my-funds/
Where can I see new events that will have contests soon?
The “Future Events” page shows events that have not yet started. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/future-events/
What is the difference between events and contests?
An event is a triathlon race -there is 1 event for each race. Contests are what the public can enter and can be seen in the Lobby. Multiple contests may be be available for each event.
How many times have I won a contest in the past?
This information can be found on the “Game Summary” page. This page shows your stats, amount won, and if you have finished in the top 3. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/game-summary/
I thought I added money to my account, where can I find information on money added to my account?
The “Transactions” page is where you can find all information related to money added to your account, money subtracted for entry fees and money withdrawn from your account. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/transactions/. “Withdrawal History” shows the status of your pending submissions and information on past withdrawals. http://trstriathlon.com/fantasy/withdrawal-history/
Why do certain events not have fantasy contests?
Sometimes a lack of event start lists prohibit us from having all athletes on the start list in the system. We also might feel like there would not be enough interest in the event.
Can a fantasy contest be cancelled?
TRS Triathlon reserves the right to cancel contests at our discretion, without any restrictions. This would typically be done only in cases where we believe that, due to problems with the fantasy software or events impacting the sporting events, there would be a widespread impact on the integrity of the contest.
What is the Main Pack in ITU?
The main pack for fantasy scoring is defined as the first pack of more than 12 riders with less then a 5 sec gap between riders.
What is a Dropped Rider in ITU?
A dropped rider is any rider arriving after the main pack, with a time pad of greater than 5 seconds to the main pack.
ITU and Long Course Scoring Categories
1st Place Overall– 24
2nd Place Overall– 20
3rd Place Overall– 16
4th Place Overall– 12
5th Place Overall– 8
6th Place Overall– 5
7th Place Overall– 4
8th Place Overall– 3
9th Place Overall– 2
10th Place Overall– 1
1st Swim Split– 10
2nd Swim Split– 8
3rd Swim Split– 6
4th Swim Split– 4
5th Swim Split– 2
1st Bike Split– 10
2nd Bike Split– 8
3rd Bike Split– 6
4th Bike Split– 4
5th Bike Split– 2
1st Run Split– 10
2nd Run Split– 8
3rd Run Split– 6
4th Run Split– 4
5th Run Split– 2
Prize Distribution
1st– 50%
2nd– 25%
3rd– 15%
Roster Sizes
Long Course & ITU
5 men and 5 women
Each player will be given a value of 1-5, with 5 being the highest rated players and 1 being the lowest rated players. Contest Salary Cap will be determined based on the quality of the field.
Long Course & Non Drafting
Athletes salary will be based on previous performances. FantasyTriathlon.com will use a combination of the KPR Rankings & 70.3 Rankings & Past Performances to determine the salaries.
Salaries will be updated at least once a month, more often if significant changes occur in the rankings
Athlete Salaries will be based on ITU World Triathlon Rankings. Current and previous years rankings will be taken into account.
Salaries will be updated before each WTS event.
Typically Salary Cap will be 36
Adding Funds
The minimum amount that can be deposited at one time is $10.
Withdrawing Funds
The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $20. There is also a maximum of 1 withdrawal a week and 4 within a given month.
Missing Split Times
If over 25% of the field is missing at least 1 split or overall time then all contests in the particular event will be refunded.